Thursday, August 28, 2008

No Car=No Fun

Today, despite having an awful day at school yesterday, an awful day at home, and waking up in an awful mood this morning I was hopeful for the day.  I finally received a desk at school to do my work and I was going dancing tonight.  I haven't REALLY been dancing since I've been here and this was a class with really good dancers.  The class was to begin at 6.  Jodie and I hit the street corner at 5:15 to get a taxi to a location only 5 minutes (by car) from our apartment.  At 6:30 we walked back into the apartment.  Having been in two taxis, paid three dollars and having only made it 4 blocks away.  I hate taxis.  They won't pick up a white girl.  Then traffic is INSANE between the hours of, oh 4 and 8.  So, that means NO LIFE FOR ME seeing as I don't get home until 4:30.  All I wanted was to dance.  My personal life is non existent here and my job isn't great right now.....  I wanted to do one thing I like.  Just one.  Not a lot to ask.  I just need a car.  But I can't afford one.  Because I thought, Hey living in a city this big means I don't have to have a car....   I was wrong.

 I.  Hate.  Panama.  Today.


VickiL said...

Hey Kari!
It was great to receive your email and to go through all of your pictures of the time you have spent in Panama. Though I know you are missing NC, I see you smiling in many of the pictures! It is hard to be away from home (I know the feeling!) but it does get easier! Keep the blog up and running! What a great way to stay connected! VickiL

Anonymous said...

Hey Keep Your Head Up!! I know you've heard this before, but drastic change is hard. I'm SO glad I did it in my single days. On a lighter note, I think you should open "Kari's Dance Club", charge admission to the excitement and in roughly 3 weeks you will have your cash for a car! :) Sarah - no longer at Hominy