Friday, March 27, 2009

The best things in life are random.....

Things are still clicking along here as usual.  Alice in Wonderland is taking up all of my time at school and it is happening very soon.  The students are doing a great job so it should turn out all right in the end.   

I finally made it to the beach last weekend so I am not quite as transparent as I was.  We also went bowling this week.  I never remember until I get there how much I HATE bowling and how bad I am at it (which probably is the reason I hate it.....)  But, as always, my friends were a good time so it made it worth it in the long run.  This weekend Jodie, Maria, and I are headed to the private island again!  I am so excited I can't stand it.  Now, if I can just get through work today.......

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rising Star

The play is done.  It's over.  And my life is back to normal, well, kind of....  I am still busy though I am not sure with what!

The play was a huge success, sold out almost every night, I am proud of how I did, and I came out of it with some great friends!!!!

Here are some pictures of the play and of our St. Patrick's Day celebration:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Never-Ending Stories of a Gal in Panama

Alright.  I can say it....  I like Panama.  It's taken a while and a lot of effort but I can admit it.  I like living here.  I have found a group of friends that I can see enjoying as much as the ones I miss, I've found an outlet for my creativity, and I am feeling healthier here (knock on wood).  Panama, as I've said, is not a "forever" place for me but I can be happy here for the next year and a half.  It took realizing that my family and my friends were going to love me no matter what to be able to settle in to Panama.  

There are so many things here that I haven't done and I am excited to do them!  I am living so far outside of my comfort zone and growing because of it.  I hiked a Volcano, BY CHOICE.  I am taking a trip this summer where I will have to walk for hours everyday for 15 days, I am performing in a play, and I even went to a movie by myself and enjoyed it.  I am happy with how things are going.....  Now, I am sure there are bad days to come because, let's face it, that's life but knowing that the days can be great will make them a bit easier to handle when they start rolling in.

So here are a few more pictures to share of what I've been doing: