Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Bureaucracy of Paperwork

I cannot begin to describe the process in which I must request EVERYTHING in the world in writing. I have all sorts of things I need to obtain my work visa. I have been at work on this for two months. The teaching licensure place told me to wait until the end of the year and then I could get it and now they say it will take weeks. The police have sent me to every possible building in Asheville in search of a copy of my NC police record..... They have also directed me to non-existent websites in search of a "form" to submit. Appalachian, though stating otherwise, has taken over a month to send my official transcript. It's all just nonsense and utterly frustrating. So the only headway I made on my overwhelming "to-do" list today was to reserve a u-haul and change my address with the school system. Lame. Bureaucracy.

1 comment:

Chris and Kim said...

Congrats and good luck on your new job!