This past week was absolutely insane. I had a friend visiting from NC, which was great. It's nice to have someone experience this here, it makes it more real having someone from my other life know this. As nice as it was having her here, the weather was NOT nice. This was the worst weather since I've been here. It rained for almost one week solid, seriously. Between work and the weather our plans were seriously hampered, but I still had fun. :) This week at school we had the big Mes de la Patria celebrations. It was so much fun and really interesting. I learned a Panamanian Tipica dance (like folk dancing) and performed it for all of the kids.

Pretty much the kids were just amazed that I was a "gringa". I keep telling them I am Panamanian but they don't believe me, can't figure out why. I got to see my kids dance, a panamanian marching band, hear some really good music, and just in general have fun.
I went to visit an art exhibition that a friend of mine was in and reconnected with arts community that I've missed so much.
After Mes de la Patria I celebrated my first thanksgiving without my family. What could have been a depressing day turned out as a good one. We had a few friends over and enjoyed each other's company and dinner with a slightly Panamanian twist...
Instead of turkey (because, quite honestly, no one wanted to cook it) we had chicken lovingly prepared by the Chicken King of Brisas, patacones, mashed potatoes, spinach, mac and cheese, apple and pumpkin pie, a pinapple dish, biscuits, and brownies..... :) It was nice to have everyone over and celebrate. I was thankful to have Lindsay here and to finally be settling in here a bit. There are still hard moments but I am finding a rhythm. I am thankful for a good job and the learning experience of a lifetime. I am thankful for my family for making me who I am because otherwise I wouldn't be here, able to do this. I am thankful for friends, old and new. And mostly, this week, I have been thankful for the insight that only time can bring.
All in all, a good week. Only three more until I am in the States again and can see all the people I love. Happy Thanksgiving!!